
Searching for Electronic Health Records systems

This site searches a public database and parses a separate .CSV file to allow users to search for Electronic Health Records systems by healthcare organization, healthcare provider, and/or location. I created this website as a response to the frustration I see from healthcare providers regarding the lack of information available about Electronic Health Record systems and their proprietary nature. I experienced some of this frustration myself during my time as a healthcare provider. The purpose of this website is to give healthcare providers, adminstrators, and patients more information about which EHR systems are in use by their colleagues and nearby organizations.

Javascript HTML

Steam Web API Tutorial

This is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use Valve Corporation's Steam Web API, including a thorough section on setting up and uising Node.js.

Javascript Node.js HTML

Retail Store Database

A SQL database simulating the operation of a retail store with a HTML/php frontend. The application tracks many of the common tasks involved in running a retail store, including tracking Products, Orders, Customers, Suppliers, and store Product Orders, and the attributes associated with these entities.

MySQL php

Fast Food Wars - RTS Game

A browser RTS (real-time strategy) game using modern standard web technologies, relying primarily on javasript and HTML5 to create and manage the game world and objects, initialize the server on which the game runs, and provide a means to store saved progress via web cookies.

Javascript Node.js

One-Time Pads Network Encryption Application

Client/server simulation with background processes running as daemons; demonstrates communication via socket network connections and efficient management of fork() child processes.

C Sockets